Monday, December 21, 2009

This next one goes out to all the pretty girls

Five semesters down, three to go. I think the three exams went reasonably well and my papers even more so. I know Intercultural Communications is a lock, because the instructor gave us like 15 extra credit points so a triple-digit score is within the realm of possibility.

There's no reason to keep the store open until midnight during the holidays. Definite money-loser if last night was any indication. Retail workers, don't let your bosses con you into doing midnight shifts. The only thing worse than working on a busy day with hordes of customers is working a dead night with naught but your footsteps echoing off the shelves for company.

Saw The Road. Viggo Mortenson plays an exceptional Man and the kid who plays the Boy is surprisingly not annoying. It's about time for a big "2009 in film" post so I'll probably save my full thoughts on the movie for then. Very good film though.

Christmas is coming and I need wrapping paper for gifts. I'm not about to pay for it like a sucker, though. Taking it into work and doing it at the store's wrapping station is also probably frowned upon. All I have are old copies of the Onion, so they might have to do.

Now that schoolwork's done, I can get to what really matters - movies and model kits. My NT-1 Gundam "Alex" finally showed up, so I can get to work on that. It's a shame the scale is too small for the pop-out machine guns to actually work, but I'll deal with the parts-swapping. In the time since we last spoke, I acquired a HG GOUF Ignited and a HG GINN, but I don't think I care enough to talk about them. The GOUF is cool because I can now re-enact Athrun Zala's escape from ZAFT headquarters and his climactic duel with their star pilot Shinn Asuka and his shiny new Destiny Gundam. I don't know about the GINN, though. I have enough spare parts around that I could create a custom GINN Heavy Weapons or GINN Experimental Firearms type, but I don't know if I feel like investing that sort of time into a kit I got for free and will probably just throw in the box.


I've touched a girl before, I swear. True story.


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