Twenty-one is such a fun age. When most people in my generation turn that age, all it really means for them is they trade in their Solo cups for actual bar-issued highball glasses filled with the same terrible beer they were weaned on. Beer is pretty awful in most cases, most of the beverage's allure coming from the fact that you aren't allowed to drink it. If we made the opportunity to headbutt a brick wall illegal for those under eighteen, I can guarantee the amount of teens in hospitals for head concussions would skyrocket.
Though I make the exception for Strongbow which is actually a cider anyway, so yeah. Beer = gross.
Wine is nice enough to have, but I don't quite see what all the fuss is about. Certainly, it fits well enough in your hand while you're sitting alone yelling at the contestants on Jeopardy, but there's not much utility beyond that. Still, nothing wrong with keeping a cheap bottle around. Our refrigerator currently houses a 2/3 full bottle of White Zinfandel. To be fair, most of my views and indeed knowledge on wine mostly comes from episodes of Black Books.
No, liqueur is where it's at, children. I've managed to fairly consistently keep a bottle of some variant of Irish Cream Whiskey in the house. For the moment, we're on St. Brendan's, so chosen for its low price (compared to Baileys), and for its funky bottle design. It has a punchier transition from the original milk chocolate taste to the burn of the whiskey, but ultimately is well-suited for my purposes. Leaning back in your chair, holding a glass of this on the rocks at the end of the day while something like this plays in the background makes you a debonair son of a bitch.
So do you readers like liqueur? What are some liqueurs that are tasty?
Anime Milwaukee was actually pretty cool. Ten bucks to get in for a day and see some pretty wacky things. Like Vic "Edward Elric" Mignogna kissing the bald head of Chris "I've voiced every anime character ever" Sabat. That should be on Youtube by now, come to think of it. Hold on a sec.
Yup. There we are.
Of note are their compatriots, Wendy "Envy" Powell and Todd "Alex hasn't actually seen anything he was in" Haberkorn excitedly recording the exhchange.
Sadly, you had to be preregistered in order to get decent spots in the autograph lines, and I can only spend so much time in the company of fat neckbeards and high school girls who squeal at frequencies only dogs can hear. So no autographed DVDs for me.
My wallet was fortunately unharmed by the vendor room, given that it was mostly filled with shit like this. As opposed to the shit I do collect.
However, I am giving serious thought to going in costume next year, like so many others. There is one costume that is at once perfectly appropriate and fairly cheap to make. I could go as Lelouch vi Britannia in his school uniform. All you need is a full black outfit (where am I gonna find that?), some gold fabric for the trim and you're done! I could have the hair for it, and I'm basically anorexic anyway, so I could pull it off. Also, I think I can do the voice.
Plus, I'm told that chicks dig the bishounen.
Look it up. I have enough links in this post as it is.
13 years ago
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