The new semester is upon us! Reports:
We begin our week with World Cinema, specifically the films of Hong Kong. Any class that shows you Kung Fu Hustle on the first day can't be that bad. Also, I know the professor and she is way cool. She saw fit to mention that I was brilliant and awesome in front of the whole class which is really greatly appreciated. I don't remember her exact phrasing because it was hard to hear it over my blushing. Also, there are bunches of senior auditors for some reason.
Immediately afterwords is Non-Fiction Prose, specifically the New Journalism pioneered by your Hunter S. Thompsons and your Tom Wolfes. Too early to judge but I like what we've done so far.
Next day begins with Current Literary and Culture Theory and oh my God. It's taught by a real-life Irish person! He talks almost just like Colin Farrel and says things like "bloody hell" and "your mates". He's also the source of the title for this post and is rather self-deprecating towards the English department. Which I like. What I don't like is that I had to shell out eighty dollars for a course packet the size of a phone book. I will be very cross if its all reprints of stuff that I have already.
Advertising in American Society follows. I'm kinda thinking about doing a JMC minor, so we'll see where this goes.
Finally Elementary Statistic Analysis. Oh Maths, how I've missed you! Time to blow the dust off of the trusty TI-83+ and compute some confidence intervals, standard deviations and t-curve values! And I'm suddenly glad for all that time spent on German, because now I can get past the instructor's accent!
In other news, Heroes continues to run. Peter's back in usual form by saying to himself, "HEY I JUST GOT THIS NEW, UNCONTROLLED POWER FIVE MINUTES AGO, LET'S TAKE IT FOR A SPIN BY TRYING THE HARDEST THING I CAN THINK OF ERRRGGGHHHHMFFFFFFFFFF". And while Matt had the right idea when he trapped Sylar, burying him behind a wall in your basement seems like poor planning on his part.
Yesterday, the Grand Glorious Leader and CEO-For-Life of the Bookstore Which Shall Not Be Named jumped ship. After just a year "turning around this company" he finally threw up his hands, flipped us the bird one last time, took his money and hopped on a plane to Tahiti for his well-earned vacation. I salute you, good sir and eagerly await to hear about your replacement.
Obama is doing his state of the union address right now. I could go watch it... or I could wait for Jon Stewart to tell me the important parts tomorrow and maybe sneak a dick joke in there somewhere. The answer, I should think, is obvious.
13 years ago
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