I don't know what to do without Coco. I started watching Leno back when I was a young'un and thought he was alright, but then I became old enough to stay up until midnight if I wanted to. And then there was Conan O'Brien. A host who fits well with my generation and is not content with adhering to the basic rules of hosting a talk show. Conan bucked the rules and consistently provided an entertaining experience that you couldn't get on any other show.
And now Jeff Zucker has managed to alienate an entire generation by canning him. You gotta admire Conan for going out with class. He could have railed against NBC for this injustice, but he instead focused on the good times he had at the network and how even having the Tonight Show for such a short time was one of the best things that ever happened to him. Don't be cynical, indeed.
I will admit to drinking following his last show. I will also admit to checking out a restaurant that'll serve you a slice of Macaroni and Cheese Pizza to you at one in the morning with my far more inebriated chums.
I rewatched The Big Lebowski last night and words still fail to express my love and appreciation for this movie. Words and phrases like "Duder" and "That's just, like, your opinion, man" have entered my everyday lexicon. One of the few actual movies that I own personally, along with In Bruges (another movie I could watch over and over again).
Having combed almost every store I can think of in the Milwaukee area, I am prepared to announce that Revenge of the Fallen Bludgeon does not exist. I saw his casemate, Recon Ironhide, but that must be some shipping error. I'll have to assume that Wisconsin is like a black hole to Hasbro's shipping center. I can still count on my hands the Jetfires and Long Hauls that I've ever seen on store shelves and they came out in August.
Lots of work these past few weeks, followed up by a completely blank work schedule for this week. What the hell, guys? Sure I just got offered a shift, but still. I know payroll's bad, but not even one night? Hrm.
School begins tomorrow. Finalized schedule after working my way through the Byzantine scheduling and degree requirements:
12:00 - 1:50: World Cinema
2:00 - 3:15: Non-Fiction Prose: The (Not so) New Journalism
9:30 - 10:45: Survey of Current Literary and Cultural Theory
11:00 - 12:15: Advertising in American Society
2:00 - 3:15: Elementary Statistical Analysis
12:00 - 1:50: World Cinema
2:00 - 3:15: Non-Fiction Prose: The (Not so) New Journalism
9:30 - 10:45: Survey of Current Literary and Cultural Theory
11:00 - 12:15: Advertising in American Society
2:00 - 3:15: Elementary Statistical Analysis
Oh my God, my copy of Underworld from the school library is all marked up in highlighter. It looks like they got bored a few pages in and stopped, but marked-up books drive me nuts. NUTS.
Blog output low. I have trouble making something out of nothing is all.
13 years ago
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