Saturday, September 26, 2009

When I was like, 14, someone told me I was good at writing and I believed them, so here we are.

I've kinda been wanting to get back into the blogging thing for awhile, and now that a fair amount has changed since where I last left off (for instance, my taste in design), it seemed appropriate timing. We'll see if I get bored of it or not.

Hypnotiq is the least offensive of the alcohol I've sampled since gaining my powers. That is to say, it tastes merely like cough syrup as opposed to poison. But I imagine poison is an acquired taste. I was hardly inebriated by it, but that's because Roommate the First and The Grecian were hoarding it. And I guess someone had to keep the two of them out of trouble as we wandered the streets of East Side Milwaukee at midnight.

This of course, led to Hot Dogs. Perfectly natural. I had this chili cheese hot dog, because I make poor decisions about my health, and DAMNIT I'm enjoying this fast metabolism thing while it lasts. The Grecian ordered something called the "Dogfather" which really tickled me at the time. Again, drinking.

Worked in music again. Pretty dull stuff. Person over the phone wanted to know if we had a CD. The only details he could provide was that it was a collection of German dancing music circa 1600. Dude, the sets of People Who Are German, Dances, and Things That Happened in the Seventeenth Century are all pretty effing huge, and I assure you, the intersection of these sets is no less vast. So maybe google it and get back to me.

But you really came here for my thoughts on television.

OMG House came back! With probably the best remake of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest I've seen! House was being House and I didn't have to deal with Thirteen! Bring on next week! Also, I guess Cameron is leaving. I'm not exactly grieving this loss here, since she was way more hot as a brunette hasn't done anything of import for a while.

Castle was fun, and more people should probably be watching it. Heroes was Heroes as has been established.

I just realized that this blogger template kinda looks like the current FOX packaging.

I caught the premiere for Flashforward, which turned out to be fun, but I'm still worried that it'll turn into a Lost clone. And I'm not all that big a fan of Lost. I'm picturing the screening of the first episode to the ABC execs and they're all, "Damnit Goyer, Lost had a polar bear, and Desperate Housewives had the thing with the ostrich, find yourself a kangaroo or something or else its your ass!"

Roommate the First has a strange girl in his room and I'm resisting all urges to pry. And oh my god, he just closed the door to his room literally as I AM TYPING THIS.


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