Saturday, October 24, 2009

Borders Books is a comedy bistro

So, Halloween party at Borders. For kids. We host a lot of parties and nobody ever comes, but this was different. Kids in costume all over the store going to employees who are supposed to give out candy and gifts. The trouble is, kids these days are scared to say "Trick or Treat". And they're not proud of their costumes, either.

Rather than becoming Superman or a ninja or a race car driver, the costumes are merely a means to an end. You try to compliment a kid on their neat samurai costume or whatever and they're all "yeah whatever give me candy". When I was a kid, "trick or treat" was like a code word, something you said with pride and a certain knowledge that this was not something the grown-ups could do. Now it's just something the parents tell them to say so they can get candy.

I blame the schools. And, of course, Obama.

I watch the music layer of the store all by myself, so I have to watch the register for people wanting to buy stuff. Customers occasionally track me down, but mostly they just stare at the register waiting for me to spontaneously appear. It irks me.

I came home to find that my roommates had just up and purchased a Playstation 3 while I was out. One woke up this morning, told the other that they should go buy it and so they did. I wish I had their brazen disregard for financial planning.

Also, friends are over, which was a surprise.

But most importantly, I have Bailey's in the house, which is clearly the only acceptable way to end a ten-hour shift working retail.


Anonymous said...

Just because I woke up that day and decided I wanted a PS3 right then, does not mean that there was no financial planning done... GAWD.

But yeah, brazen disregard for planning in general is sometimes noted as one of my strong points.

October 28, 2009 at 11:31 PM

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