Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The moral of the story is that, um, love... conquers... all... ?

So I was at work right? And I have a cold, so my head's all stuffed up and that makes me interact with customers weird (like referring to a lady and her young daughter as "dudes", or being kind of an asshole* to that customer in the Children's section)? And I had to rearrange graphic novels again because corporate keeps changing their minds?

And then I saw these things.

Oh yes. Those are taglines alright. "Edward and Bella's favorite book!" "The original forbidden love!"

As much as I love the Bard, I'm almost certain the concept of forbidden love had been around for quite a while before, gosh, 1590-ish. And if there's one thing the kids are really into, it's Bronte. And that's just the beginning of my problems with this entire... thing.

brb, mourning the next generation's appreciation of literature

*Not entirely reliant on me having a cold, admittedly.


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