Things I didn't like today:
1. People driving ten miles under the speed limit on both Lake Drive and Port Washington Road. I'm apparently a way more aggressive driver than one might expect, but I'm also afraid to pass because the moment I do, an oncoming car will come out of nowhere and kill me. Pick up the pace, people. Everyone knows that the speed limit signs are merely suggestions.
2. I don't know what my Intercultural Communications instructor was doing since last we met, but it was clearly not grading exams or papers even though she said that she would totally have them done.
3. I have no idea what I'm going to write about for my paper on Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse and it's due on Thursday. I'm not sure there's anything in that novel I found interesting enough to talk about for four to seven pages.
Things I did like:
1. I saw a driver do an illegal U-turn at the Port Washington - Brown Deer intersection. Illegal U-turns really drive me nuts for some reason and I was already hurling invective from my car when I see a police car pull out from the adjacent parking lot, flip on the sirens and pull him over into the next parking lot. Justice is swift and all drivers but me are stupid.
2. The evangelists were back in the UWM plaza doing their thing again. Depending on my mood, this could make it onto either side of this post, but I was able to watch them argue with passerby while I had lunch inside. Why on Earth are they so concerned about lust as opposed to any other of the sins anyway?
3. I just realized that talking about the 1954 film Johnny Guitar and relating it to theories of genre put forward by the critics Robin Wood and Rick Altman will be a piece of cake and I can bang out a page on it for tomorrow easy.
And perhaps most importantly,
4. I realized that the one British dad on Flashforward? Mr. Simcoe or whatever? He's totally Comodore Norrington from Pirates of the Caribbean! But without a sword! Or naval skills! Or character development! And he's apparently evil and is working with Merry from Lord of the Rings!
13 years ago
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