Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's that time again, folks!

Happy Friday everybody! It's that time again! That time when any old expression of anger just won't do! You need something with muscle!

That's right! It's a Fuck You Friday!

So fuck you, UWM website! When you decided to enter the digital age, did you set out to create the most ridiculously user-unfriendly website you could design? Or did it just sort of happen? Because I know I use Google when I want to get somewhere on your site rather than have to navigate your silly page organization! You're like the goddamn Winchester House given digital form with your hyperlinks that go to nowhere, your inability to "remember me" and your constantly shifting page content.

Fuck you, Borders bigwigs! Nice going with the slashing holiday payroll at the last minute! I appreciate that you're trying everything and anything to get us out of the red, but cutting hours during the fourth quarter of the retail year is not how to do it!

Fuck you, Straight No Chaser! I don't like the way you sound, I don't like your stupid remixes of holiday classics like "Jingle Bells", and I don't like hearing the entirety of your album over and over again at work because our "random track" button is busted.

Fuck you, guy who cut me off on the way home tonight! Apparently, you were in too much of a hurry to check your rear-view and were just willing to risk hitting another car so you could get out from behind the kinda-slow minivan in front of you. I guess I should be thankful that I have the reflexes to slam on the breaks, even if I lack the ones to slam on my horn to alert other drivers that I am not amused.

Blow off the dust and take ol' Fuck You! for a spin. You'll be surprised by how much emotion you can load into those two words!

So take care everyone, and remember - fuck you.


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